
We provide data intelligence and subject matter expertise to make your business more profitable and efficient using the latest technology and our multi-disciplinary expertise.

Our Data Intelligence Services Include

Our Subject Matter Expertise Services Include

  • Quality Management: Quality by Design, PAT, Modelling & Simulation
  • Knowledge Process Outsourcing: IPR & Regulatory Support
  • Digital Marketing: Copywriting, Web Development
  • Training and Consulting

We Bring Result By:

  • Asking the Right Questions.
  • Challenging assumptions.
  • Uncovering insights.
  • Experimenting with innovative approaches.
  • Bringing up multi-disciplinary expertise.
  • Keeping an open mind.
  • Not being constrained by preconceived notions or
  • approaches.

Try DataPandit Our Free Data Intelligence SaaS Solution

Predictive Analytics-Machine Learning
Databased Decisions


The most affordable (Free!) predictive data analytics platform

Predictive Analytics-Real Time Process Data
Powerful insights


Intuitive user interface
No coding knowledge needed
No workflow creation


Predictive Analytics
Picture speaks thousand words

Data Handling Capacity

Easily handles 10K + Data Points 

Dynamic user interface

Live model assessment
No need to repeat the modeling process multiple times


Intuitive interface

Easy to Implement

Needs no installation
Can be accessed from anywhere in the world
Not system specific